Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Hot Item EFR32 Bluetooth5.2 Module BT5.2 6dBm 2.4GHz Cortex-M33 GPIO ebyte E104-BT53 Direction Finding Wireless Transceiver and Receiver 4001276005199

EFR32 Bluetooth5.2 Module BT5.2  6dBm 2.4GHz Cortex-M33 GPIO ebyte E104-BT53 Direction Finding Wireless Transceiver and Receiver

Get EFR32 Bluetooth5.2 Module BT5.2 6dBm 2.4GHz Cortex-M33 GPIO ebyte E104-BT53 Direction Finding Wireless Transceiver and Receiver only US $3.29 just for today

EFR32 Bluetooth5.2 Module BT5.2 6dBm 2.4GHz Cortex-M33 GPIO ebyte E104-BT53 Direction Finding Wireless Transceiver and Receiver

Product ID : 4001276005199
Price : US $3.29
* Price Update at : 2020-09-29 *

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EFR32 Bluetooth5.2 Module BT5.2  6dBm 2.4GHz Cortex-M33 GPIO ebyte E104-BT53 Direction Finding Wireless Transceiver and Receiver

Limit Parameters

Main ParametersValueRemarks
Power supply voltage (V)03.6Power over 3.6V will damage the Module
Blocking power(dBm)-10Probability of burn down at close range
Working temperature(℃)-40+85Industrial grade


Operating parameter

Main ParametersValueRemarks
Working voltage (V)≥3.3V can guarantee the output power
Communication level(V)-3.3-Using 5V level has the risk of burning
Working temperature (℃)-40-85Industrial design
Working frequency band (MHz)240224402480Support ISM frequency band
TX Current(mA)-7.5-@Transmit power 6dBm
RX current(mA)-3.6--
Sleep current(μA)-0.17-Software is off
Max TRX Power(dBm)-6--
Receiving sensitivity(dBm)--106.7--106dbm sensitivity @125kbps GFSK;
-98.9dbm sensitivity @1Mbit/s GFSK;
-96.2dbm sensitivity @2Mbit/s GFSK;
Air data rate(bps)125k-2MProgrammable by User


Main parameterDescriptionRemarks
Reference distance  120mClear and open, antenna gain 5dBi, antenna height 2.5m,air rate 1kbps
Crystal frequency38.4MHz/32.768KHz-
supporting agreementBLE 5.2-
Packaging methodSMD-
Interface method1.27mm-
IC full nameEFR32BG22C224F512GM32-
Dimensions13*19mm  -
RF interfacePCBEquivalent impedance is about 50Ω

EFR32 Bluetooth5.2 Module BT5.2  6dBm 2.4GHz Cortex-M33 GPIO ebyte E104-BT53 Direction Finding Wireless Transceiver and ReceiverEFR32 Bluetooth5.2 Module BT5.2  6dBm 2.4GHz Cortex-M33 GPIO ebyte E104-BT53 Direction Finding Wireless Transceiver and ReceiverEFR32 Bluetooth5.2 Module BT5.2  6dBm 2.4GHz Cortex-M33 GPIO ebyte E104-BT53 Direction Finding Wireless Transceiver and ReceiverEFR32 Bluetooth5.2 Module BT5.2  6dBm 2.4GHz Cortex-M33 GPIO ebyte E104-BT53 Direction Finding Wireless Transceiver and ReceiverEFR32 Bluetooth5.2 Module BT5.2  6dBm 2.4GHz Cortex-M33 GPIO ebyte E104-BT53 Direction Finding Wireless Transceiver and ReceiverEFR32 Bluetooth5.2 Module BT5.2  6dBm 2.4GHz Cortex-M33 GPIO ebyte E104-BT53 Direction Finding Wireless Transceiver and ReceiverEFR32 Bluetooth5.2 Module BT5.2  6dBm 2.4GHz Cortex-M33 GPIO ebyte E104-BT53 Direction Finding Wireless Transceiver and Receiver

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